Diet Analysis Questions Paper

Diet Analysis – 50 pts Step 1: Record your diet, enter into SuperTracker, and create reports as outlined on the SuperTracker Tutorial. The following 3 reports must be uploaded and submitted properly into D2L Assignments by Sunday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm. You must submit your reports as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Include: 1 “Meal Summary”, 1 “Nutrient Report” and 1 “Food Groups and Calories Report”. Each report will include an average of the diet that you recorded over 3 days. Step 2: Using the information from your reports, answer the following questions in this file. This file must also be properly uploaded by Sunday, April 22nd at 11:59 pm. Diet Analysis Questions Paper


Upload .doc or .docx files. ****The numbers and foods in your Reports must match your answers below. Your diet analysis cannot be graded without the reports, but if your reports don’t match answers it will result in a zero. 1) How did your macronutrient intake compare to the AMDR? Average eaten (% of total cals) 0.5pt each Status (under, OK, or over) 0.5pt each Protein Target (% AMDR range) 0.5pt each 10-35% 34% Ok Carbohydrate 45-65% 29% Under Fat 20-35% 39% Over 2) What was your fiber intake? Calculate your fiber intake relative to your target. Show your math and express as a percentage (grams eaten / grams target x 100% = % of target fiber eaten). 2pts (11/25) × 100% Answer=44 3) List 4 foods that are good sources of fiber that you would consider adding to your diet.1 pt • • • • Nuts Berries  Diet Analysis Questions Paper